Friday, 10 August 2012

The Day I Decide.

I lie, okay I have had many of these'days'. They're the most gut wrenching real life full on whacks in the face. For those my age anyhow, otherwise everyone older has gotten over this 'minuscule' ordeal, while anyone younger is ignorant to the fight they are ultimately going to face.
The situation is sordid, nice word right?. Yet true.
The situation, my 'followers' is the certain matter of 'What I want To Do In Life'.
This normally comes up in conversation with family members, strangers, employers, anyone. It can strike anywhere when you're not expecting it. Beware. Upon being asked the familiar question of "What would you like to do?", I begin, at first with a clear head. Clear feelings, the weighing scale in my head appearing ready for myself to start describing my A Level subjects, and perhaps what I could go onto from there. Then, I start thinking about my options, start over thinking. Those weighing scales mount up my subjects along with figurative images of my opinions. Swaying side to side every time a possibility is added on, until there comes a moment where even the weighing scales shrug and drop everything into my head. This is when I start blabbering about how I'm confused, and that I don't know until they back off the subject all together, finishing my performance with a deep sigh of relief.
Today, this has not been ignited by another human being but the fact that I went on a Work Experience to Crown Court for a week. Although very appealing, there was talk of the system degrading. Along with some personal feelings about the inability/difficulty to move around or abroad this made me quite insecure with what seemed to be a strong contender for me decision. So I started thinking of what else I could do.
At the moment, with emphasis on moment, I'm thinking about Psychology, everyone has mental problems, I've heard there's a demand around. Why not? I've always been interested right?
I wish I could just have an easy life. Guess it's not that simple :/
However, I must note that Crown Court was amazing! I was able to watch a trial from start to end, along with preliminary hearings and such. They sure have a way with words.
George x

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